Tagged: “therapy dog”

From Sato to Therapy Dog

From Sato to Therapy Dog

By: Gail Ryan, Chester’s Mom

Chester was a scared, skinny, Sato in 2009. Dressed in a new winter coat and harness, he and I went to the park daily. We met many dogs, but he was more interested in senior citizens. He greeted them gently and warmly.

Chester 2009

Chester in 2009

Chest at the part

Chester at the Park.

As the months passed and Chester gained confidence, it became obvious that he was destined to do more in his life. He was evaluated to become a therapy dog with the program Paws for People. His temperament and intelligence made it easy for him to pass the test to become a Therapy Dog. When I slip on his Therapy Vest, he knows he is going somewhere important.

Chester therapy dog

Chester in his Therapy Dog Vest

As a part of the Paws for People Program, we have visited children who have cerebral palsy or kids who have reading problems. The Reading to Dogs part of the program recognizes that it is less intimidating to read aloud to a dog than to a person. Sometimes the little kids show him their books and ask him to read.

We also visit nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities. The patients reminisce about pets they had long ago. Chester is a good companion and an intuitive pup who has brought joy to many people.


Chester brings in the holidays!

Chester is the greatest dog. He makes me laugh! He seems to be thinking all the time. He looks deeply into my eyes.  If only he could speak!  He is always up to something and so smart.
Satos rock! Everyone should know satos from Puerto Rico are fabulous!



Carmen: Stray Dog Becomes “Kisser Therapist”

By Debra Malinics, adopter of ADLA alum Carmen, the “kisser therapist

I have owned neurotic dogs, psychotic dogs, crazy dogs, but never one as wonderful, sweet, smart, and loving as Carmen, a sato adopted from Amigos de los Animales through Wag on Inn in Oakhurst, NJ.

Carmen the kisser therapist

When my husband and I walked into the pet store to meet her, this little ball of fur ran right into our laps, licked us and next thing I knew, she was coming home with us. We had found our dog! and she was perfect from the start.  We named her Carmen in honor of her Spanish heritage.

At that time, I was on the board of a non profit planning a fashion show fund raiser. I suggested we add a dog or two to the venue, and three weeks later, Carmen stole the show wearing a Burberry coat accessorized with a brown and green braided leash, and behaving absolutely flawlessly.

Carmen on the catwalk with her Burberry coat

Carmen on the catwalk with her Burberry coat

On the way across the stage, I dropped her leash, put her is a sit stay command, and kept moving onto the runway. Carmen sat perfectly still, looking out over the audience, her eyes wide with wonder. She was perfectly poised and calm. While I whirled and twirled, Carmen remain seated, looking chic in her outfit. I picked up Carmen’s leash on leaving the stage and we walked off together to the audience’s delight and applause. Many attendees came to ask me how she was so well behaved and what was my secret…I said simply, Los Amigos de los Animales.

Friends kept telling Carmen should be a therapy dog because she emits such love but I didn’t have the time to take her to classes. “She doesn’t need classes,” friends insisted… she’s perfect already! She’ll pass without trying, repeated a friend and bet me $20 that she would. I couldn’t resist.

Carmen giving Debra's late husband Bernard some kissing therapy

Carmen giving some kissing therapy

I took Carmen to the next available Therapy dog certification class without any usual classes or preliminary training.  Do you have your good citizen papers the woman asked when I registered her.  Clueless, I said, “No, no, I’m a citizen.”. Looking at me oddly, she said, “I mean for your dog.” “Oh, she’s a citizen too,” I replied, “she was born in Puerto Rico.”  The woman just shook her head and asked me to fill out a form to begin. Carmen was perfect. I lost the bet, but Carmen won the class. Out of 14 well trained dogs, three passed the test and Carmen was one of them. I was so proud!

As a therapy dog, Carmen brings joy and love to children, students and adults. Everywhere I go, people fall in love with her and on her therapy visits, they call her the “Serial Kisser” because she spends her time kissing everyone in the room. Some colleges arrange their schedules around Carmen’s schedule. She has magic and when I look into her eyes, it seems they see into the universe.

When people say how lucky Carmen is to have us, I say, “WE are the lucky ones.” There are so many wonderful ways to share your life and your love and sharing it with an animal is one of the best. Animals make the world a better place for all.

When my husband was ill, Carmen was at his side 24/7, and after his death, she gave her love and support to me when I grieved. Carmen is an ambassador for all good things and I wish the world had more Carmens to set an example for us, the people who need it. Thank you Amigos de los Animales for bringing her into our lives. Now if I can figure out how to clone Carmen…If they did it with Dolly, surely they can do it with Carmen, my kisser therapist.

Carmen posing as a jungle princess

Here are some links to other articles written about Carmen and her kissing tactics!