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Every Wednesday Doggie Day Beach Walk

Every Wednesday: During the hot weather, come help us walk as many dogs as possible to the beach every Wednesday morning at 9:00 am. Beach Parking available below (west of) the ” Waterfront Restaurant” parking lot. The beach is a 2-minute walk to the shelter. Please get here by 8:45 and you’ll make it in time to choose your 4 legged friend. The dogs love it because they get an opportunity to do something different with their doggie pals.

Please bring friends so we can take lots of dogs together. Wear your bathing suit and walking shoes and you can have a dip in the ocean with your pet.  


Every Saturday @ 9:00 AM – till 11:30 AM

Recurring Event – Free

Love Dogs? Looking for some outdoor activity after a week in the office or school? Every Saturday morning, rain or shine, we clean the Shelter to keep our doggies healthy, happy and clean.The Saturday Shelter Cleanup involves washing our doggies kennels, the floors of the inside patios where the kennels are kept, and food bowls. Tasks start at 9:00 AM and we go until 11:30 AM, perfect time for heading to the beach!

Image by Zack Roth / Paco peering out from the filigree

Come join us! 

  • The Saturday Shelter Cleanup involves washing our doggies kennels, the floors of the inside patios where the kennels are kept, and food bowls.
  • The Shelter is located at Bo. Torrecilla Baja, Carr. 187, KM 5.2, Sector Piñones, Loiza, Puerto Rico. Click here for location.
  • Tasks start at 9:00 AM and we go until 11:30 AM, perfect time for heading to the beach!
  • Our clean-up sessions count for your school’s volunteer hours.
  • All ages are welcome, but if you are under the age of 14, you must come accompanied by an adult.
  • All volunteers should also come in long pants and sneakers. Why? Well, the doggies reeeaallly look forward to your visits so there is a lot of action!
  • We use a lot of cleaning supplies and can always use more so we would appreciate anything you can bring to help: Clorox Bleach, contractor bags, and old newspapers to line the crates are always needed.
  • Please email and let us know you are signing up to come to which Saturday Clean-up or email it to us.

Perla Needs Us……….

6 yr old Perla was abandoned when her owner died.

6 yr old Perla was abandoned when her owner died. They had been together since she was a pup and they loved each other. Left outside to fend for herself, now she was depressed living on the street all alone for many months, when a car hit her and dragged her 30 feet. Hers was a poor neighborhood and Perla was left there on the curb with a broken back for weeks while a kind neighbor searched for someone to help her. We got the call so Renee, Angel and I went in search of Perla.

We had to lift Perla and keep her steady because she can’t walk. The red arrow on top shows where her back bone was broken and the arrow on the bottom shows where the lack of sensation affects her foot.

When we got to the neighborhood, all the neighbors came running out asking if we had come to help Perla. They took us to her hiding place in a filthy chicken coop where she had dragged herself for protection from the hot sun. She had a huge army of lice jumping off of her, and was full of fleas and ticks too.  

We covered her with a sheet and took her to our vet, Dr. Morales who used an entire spray bottle of FLEE to kill the lice before he could examine her. Perla had a broken spine and was in a LOT of pain!! He got the pain under control and the next day we went to see the surgeon to get his opinion. “Was there was anything we could do?” I asked Dr. Mongil. After a thorough examination, he told us that unfortunately with this severe of a break, her back being connected with only the nerves and soft tissue, the area was too delicate to operate. We would need to allow her to rest and then start doing therapy with her and hope she might be able to walk again some day.  

Perla the same day of her rescue, going with us to Dr. Morales’ office. We fed her some good food so she was feeling happy and grateful!
Sweet girl is here waiting patiently in severe pain, to finally get the care she needs. Hoping it was a broken leg that could be operated, but it was worse.
Here she is trying on the wheels lent to us by Alma, till hers are ready.
Perla is finally able to stand up on her own after resting for a month and a half. We are working hard to help this sweet good girl walk again. It will take many months if we can afford to pay for physical therapy. Please send your good wishes and prayers for Perla. Don’t forget to donate when you can and Please: ADOPT DON’T SHOP!