Tagged: “dog”

Halloween Party!

Doggie Fundraiser en El Tablado en Piñones – Fiesta de Halloween para beneficiar a Amigos de los Animales! Jueves 31 de Octubre.
Happy Hour: 3-5pm cervezas a $1 y la mitad de lo recaudado de la compra de Pizza va a ADLA.
La fiesta comienza a las 5:00 pm hasta las 11:00 pm.  Donación sugerida en la puerta de $10, bebidas y comida para para la venta.
 ¡Juegos, concurso para el premio al mejor disfraz humano de $ 100 y para el mejor disfraz de perro es de $ 50!
 ¡Ven y festeja con nosotros y trae a tu perro!

Saturday Shelter Clean-up

Love Dogs? Looking for some outdoor activity after a week in the office or school? Every Saturday morning, rain or shine, we clean the Shelter to keep our doggies healthy, happy and clean.

The Saturday Shelter Cleanup involves washing our doggies kennels, the floors of the inside patios where the kennels are kept, and food bowls. Tasks start at 9:30am and we go until 12pm, perfect time for heading to the beach!

Come join us! 

  • The Saturday Shelter Cleanup involves washing our doggies kennels, the floors of the inside patios where the kennels are kept, and food bowls.
  • The Shelter is located at Bo. Torrecilla Baja, Carr. 187, KM 5.2, Sector Piñones, Loiza, Puerto Rico. Click here for location.
  • Tasks start at 9:00am and we go until 12pm, perfect time for heading to the beach!
  • Our clean-up sessions can count for your school’s volunteer hours.
  • All ages are welcome, but if you are under the age of 14, you must come accompanied by an adult.
  • All volunteers should also come in long pants and sneakers. Why? Well, the doggies reeeaallly look forward to your visits so there is a lot of action!
  • We use a lot of cleaning supplies and can always use more so we would appreciate anything you can bring to help: Clorox Bleach, contractor bags and old newspapers to line the crates are always needed.
  • Please fill out this Volunteer Waiver
IMPORTANT! Due to ongoing pandemic we only accept up to 3 outside volunteers per session. If you are planning to join us please sign up by texting Kris at 787-346-8174 or email kris@amigosdelosanimalespr.org

Saturday Shelter Clean-up

Love Dogs? Looking for some outdoor activity after a week in the office or school? Every Saturday morning, rain or shine, we clean the Shelter to keep our doggies healthy, happy and clean.

The Saturday Shelter Cleanup involves washing our doggies kennels, the floors of the inside patios where the kennels are kept, and food bowls. Tasks start at 9:30am and we go until 12pm, perfect time for heading to the beach!

Come join us! 

  • The Saturday Shelter Cleanup involves washing our doggies kennels, the floors of the inside patios where the kennels are kept, and food bowls.
  • The Shelter is located at Bo. Torrecilla Baja, Carr. 187, KM 5.2, Sector Piñones, Loiza, Puerto Rico. Click here for location.
  • Tasks start at 9:00am and we go until 12pm, perfect time for heading to the beach!
  • Our clean-up sessions can count for your school’s volunteer hours.
  • All ages are welcome, but if you are under the age of 14, you must come accompanied by an adult.
  • All volunteers should also come in long pants and sneakers. Why? Well, the doggies reeeaallly look forward to your visits so there is a lot of action!
  • We use a lot of cleaning supplies and can always use more so we would appreciate anything you can bring to help: Clorox Bleach, contractor bags and old newspapers to line the crates are always needed.
  • Please fill out this Volunteer Waiver
IMPORTANT! Due to ongoing pandemic we only accept up to 3 outside volunteers per session. If you are planning to join us please sign up by texting Kris at 787-346-8174 or email kris@amigosdelosanimalespr.org