You did it!

You completed your fundraiser. Congratulations! Celebrate! You can feel good about not only organizing and completing your activity, but also donating the hard earned proceeds to a good cause.
- Submit the proceeds and give our rescue efforts a boost! You can either send us your contribution by check or online.
Checks should be mailed to:
Amigos de los Animales, Inc.
PO Box 79477, Carolina, PR 00984
Funds can also be sent electronically. First deposit the money into your personal account with a note mentioning your fundraiser. Then transfer through either the Pay Pal Giving Fund, or by making a donation through our Facebook page. Neither of these sources will take commissions on the total amount donated.

- Let us know if special “Thank yous” should be sent to anyone or an organization that participated or donated to the fundraiser. Otherwise, the total amount received is considered a donation in your name.
- Start planning your next fundraiser. While the fundraiser is fresh in your mind, make notes of what went well and what could be improved.