
Make our mission your own

Make sure you know our mission, and our organization. Is there an aspect about our rescue (or a specific rescue) you are passionate about? Make your fundraiser individual to you, and what (or who) you love about ADLA.

Here is some general wording to get your story going:

Amigos de los Animales, Inc., is a nonprofit 501(c)3 founded in 2005 specifically to save stray dogs on what was then known as Dead Dog Beach. Since then, ADLA has acted as a voice for the abandoned and abused animals on the island of Puerto Rico.

ADLA operates a no-kill shelter located in the beach town of PiƱones. We work hard to find rescued dogs forever homes either in Puerto Rico or in communities in the mainland United States that do not have the overpopulation problem we have in our area.

In addition to rescuing and rehoming, ADLA collaborates with the government and community to educate Puerto Rico on animal welfare issues; and practices TNR. We operate thanks to the support of our volunteers and donors. Your help means the world to the animals we rescue and support.